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  • Sep, 2 2021

Creating buyer personas is the fundamental step towards creating an effective marketing strategy.

In that, two most common questions emerge:

★ How to create buyer personas?

★ What to include in a buyer persona?

We have already covered the first question. Check it out here: How to Create Buyer Personas.

On to the second question:

Varies from One Business to Another

The type of buyer persona you should create depends on various factors. For instance, a company that sells educational products may care about their audience’s education level and job title as opposed to a supply chain solution provider that may prioritize the location of the audience.

So, how a buyer persona looks may vary from one company to another based on their industry, business type, product/service, marketing goals, and other factors. This means there’s no golden template that you can follow to create a buyer persona.

That said, there are certainly a few cores and essential elements your buyer persona should have.

Name, age, gender

This is the most basic information your buyer persona should essentially have. 


For example, if you’re in the sports industry, your marketing campaigns and lead generation strategy would be much different for people in Boston (which is more inclined towards Football) than New York (where basketball is more popular).

Similarly, the weather conditions, the standard of living, culture, and more vary from one city and state to another. Based on these, the marketing campaign should be tailored for optimum conversion.

So, including the location of your target audience is important as well.


The level of education one has influences their purchase decisions and behavior. It also makes a difference in the kind of message they prefer. So, keep the education information of your target audience in the buyer persona.

Job title

Your marketing message to an entry-level employee would be different from a CMO or CFO. So, knowing the job title of your target audience can help you craft the right campaigns.

Platforms they use the most

Knowing this can help you prioritize the platforms and resource allocation. If your target audience spends more time on, say, LinkedIn than Instagram, you would focus more on the former than the latter. 

Income range

The buying behavior of a person who lives paycheck to paycheck will be much different than someone who makes $55,000 a year.

One’s income plays a critical role in their lifestyle and day-to-day decisions. So, including the income range of your target audience in the buyer persona is crucial.

Pain points

One product or service can solve different pain points. Knowing and understanding the pain points of your different audience segments will help you create effective lead generation strategies.


Knowing the goals and passion of your target audience, and incorporating them into your marketing campaign, can make your message more positive. This can bring you better results.  


Creating lead generation campaigns that talk about the hobbies or side jobs of the target audience can instantly grab the latter’s attention. It can start a meaningful conversation, resulting in the desired conversion.

So, although optional, it’s a good idea to include the hobbies of your target audience in the buyer persona.

Marital status

The priorities and life decisions of a single person are much different than someone who is married. So, considering the marital status of the target audience when making a lead generation strategy can be a good idea. 

Influencers they follow 

This is one of the optional elements to include in buyer persona, and it’s highly recommended by top lead generation companies.

If your target audience follows an influencer and you can get a quote from that influence, or their testimonial, it can significantly drive your conversion.

Final Words

You should have more than one buy personas. And each of these personas should be backed with defined marketing strategies.

If you need help with creating buyer personas or need to amplify your lead generation efforts, connect with any of the tops and reputed B2B lead generation companies. Get their help in capturing more leads at a low cost.

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