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  • Aug, 13 2021

A lot has changed since the outbreak of the pandemic. Markets have collapsed. Consumer behavior has shifted. The way businesses are done is now slightly different.
So, in the marketing landscape, it’s imperative the lead generation strategies for B2B adapt to these changes as well.
B2B brands must acknowledge the evolved trends to stay relevant and drive better results.

Here are 6 B2B lead generation tips for 2021 and beyond:

Hyper-personalized experience

Personalization is one of the best conversion tactics. The more personalized your communication and value proposition is, the higher the chances of conversion. This is especially true in B2B.

So, personalize your offerings as well as communication whenever you’re engaging with the individual prospects. Make them believe your tailored solutions and approach are exactly what they have been looking for.

Defined MQL to SQL strategy

Many B2B brands focus too much on sales-qualified leads. In reality, your lead generation strategy doesn’t necessarily have to prepare prospects for the sales from the go.

Lead nurturing is a critical phase that deserves just as much attention and investment.

So, as a first step, focus on capturing marketing-qualified leads, which are easier to get as opposed to SQLs. And then work to qualify them for sales, which requires a well-defined MQL to SQL strategy.

Brand integration

The importance of building a dynamic brand identity for higher business sustainability cannot be overstated.

A great brand story can do wonders for your business; it can do wonders for your conversion.

So, integrating your brand’s elements into your lead generation efforts can significantly boost your conversion.

Remember, in the changed world of today, many people don’t buy products. They buy experiences. A B2B lead generation strategy with a human touch of the brand storytelling can deliver consumers the right experience that they expect now.

Choosing relevant testimonials

72 percent of consumers say positive testimonials and reviews increase their trust in a business.

But just using “any” testimonial might not do the work anymore. You need relevant and tailored testimonials that address the distinct needs, requirements, and pain points of individual personas.

More valuable lead magnet

Don’t offer a lead magnet just for the sake of it. In 2021, it’s a bad strategy.

In fact, a poor lead magnet may end up hurting your brand identity than doing good for your conversion.

So, ensure the lead magnets you’re offering have more value to them; that they are valuable and something that can truly help people.

The more value you can offer with your lead magnet, the higher will be your conversion.

Third-party expertise

In the present time, investing your resources in in-house lead generation efforts might not be a good idea. Many B2B brands have already steered their direction towards lead generation outsourcing, now leveraging third-party expertise. And this is what you should ideally adopt for higher efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

DAT-A-CCURATE is one of the leading B2B lead generation companies. Over the years, we have helped hundreds of businesses accelerate their growth with higher (and qualified) leads.

Our team is made up of data, inbound, outbound and conversion specialists who tap on tailored strategies to generate B2B sales leads at scale. For more information about DAT-A-CCURATE, get in touch with us today and let’s talk.

Final Words

The marketing and sales world has changed… why hasn’t your lead generation strategy as well?

Adapt to the newer trends, empower your lead generation efforts with the above-mentioned tips, and take confident strides to grow your business with higher revenue.

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