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  • Aug, 13 2021

Lead generation in the B2B space can be a complex process with seemingly innumerable ways to commit basic blunders. And these blunders come with poor conversion, higher costs, lower customer lifetime value, and even negatively affected brand identity.

One of the biggest lead generation mistakes is focusing on quantity and not on quality.

Capturing Irrelevant and Non-Targeted Leads

Without a data-driven strategy, lead generation can be expensive as is. Capturing irrelevant and non-targeted leads makes things even worse, amplifying that expense and hurting the ROI by a significant margin.

If the leads captured are not targeted and ready for sales, it is a big lead generation fail that many B2B brands fall for. And this usually is a result of a poorly defined strategy that isn’t tied to clear buyer personas. You end up losing time and money, which is critical in the ongoing crisis where companies cannot afford leaking resources.

What’s the Solution?

The objective is to generate B2B sales leads that are relevant and ready to buy with little investment in nurturing. There are a few steps brands can take to achieve this:

Outline a buyer persona

Unless you know who you’re targeting, you will never reach the right people at the right price. Your lead generation strategy needs to be navigated by clearly outlined buyer personas that highlight who your target audience is, what are their pain points, what’s their interest and income, what kind of solutions are they looking for, and so forth.

So, as a first step, before you are in the boardroom to create a lead generation strategy, you need to create buyer personas.

Publish contextual content

You need to tell people who your solution or value proposition is targeted at. You need to tell them exactly if you’re who they are looking for or not. Wrong messaging can attract wrong target segments.

This is possible via contextual content that’s tailored per the buyer personas who are relevant to your business.

So, personalize the published content (blog posts, ad copies, landing page copies, and other pieces of content) to generate relevant and targeted leads that are ready for sales.

Run targeted ads

Running a paid ad campaign is easier said than done. It requires a thorough understanding of the respective platforms, as well as the market to make the right bids and budgeting decisions. This is essential to drive optimum ROI from your ads.

A big part of this process is to ensure your ads are targeted to the right people and not just anyone. Fortunately, almost every big platform now offers a very robust targeting option. You need to tap on this option to capture relevant, sales-ready leads.

Grade the Leads (And Invest Accordingly)

Despite your best efforts, you might still get poor quality leads. This is where grading the leads can help you. This will help you avoid focusing and spending resources on leads that are less likely to convert. You can prioritize your conversion efforts according to the grades.

Looks challenging and complex?

The mentioned steps are just the tip of the iceberg to capture relevant B2B sales leads. There’s much more to the process, including several challenges. For instance, collecting data to create buyer personas is not easy. In such a case, it’s always recommended to seek help from a third party.

Top lead generation companies like DAT-A-CCURATE can help you here. We’re a number one choice for hundreds of B2B brands when it comes to outsourced lead generation services. Get in touch with us today and let’s talk.

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