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  • Aug, 26 2021

Want to devise an effective marketing strategy? Do you know your target audience???

Unless you know who your target audience is, how can you devise an effective marketing strategy?!

One of the critical mistakes majority of business owners make is venturing into unchartered areas with no strategy & zero knowledge of their target audience; just ask any B2B lead generation company.

Targeting “everyone” isn’t a strategy. It’s a huge mistake that will inevitably hurt your returns.

For instance, if you offer an HR solution to companies, not every business owner is your target audience. And, in case, if they are, taking this generic approach isn’t the right way. Your digital marketing strategy shouldn’t be carved with everyone in mind. It ought to be more specific, targeted, and personalized.

This is where the conversation steers towards buyer personas, which are simply a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer.

Once you’re extremely clear about who your exact target audience is, you can personalize your campaigns as per that persona, which can subsequently boost your conversion and optimize returns.

Comes then the most obvious question: How to create buyer personas?

buyer personas

The answer isn’t as simple. Moreover, the process may vary from one business to another. Generally put though, here are 5 broad steps to create buyer personas:

  1. Fill in the basic information. For instance, if you’re in corporate event management, you likely serve clients within specific locations. So, fill up your personas sheet with the location data. Similarly, add other basic information that you already know about your target audience.
  2. Find out what more information you need in your personas in addition to the basic details. Ideally, the more data points you have, the better opportunities you will have to optimize your campaigns. So, information like which influencers your customers follow, what’s their favorite social media platform, and what type of content they prefer (written, image, video) could be very important.
  3. Interview your customers. Your existing customers are your primary source to build your buyer personas. Send them emails. Do interviews. Ask them relevant questions to find out more about their demography, interest, income, pain points, and other details.
  4. You can also do surveys of people who aren’t your customers yet but they are someone who matches the basic information of your personas. Create specific landing pages on your website to funnel down the relevant traffic who could partake in this survey. Run social media ads using basic information you have to target relevant groups.
  5. Once you have the necessary details about your ideal customers, it’s time to compile, assess, and classify them into well-defined buyer personas. You can have multiple buyer personas; this is especially true if you offer multiple products or have a product that offers a diverse feature set.

Evidently, creating buyer personas takes time and effort. There are several challenges on the way, including data collection and assessment. However, given its importance, this is a challenge worth pursuing for the business owners for higher conversion and consistent growth.

Alternatively, you can go the other way that many B2B brands prefer now: Hire someone to create buyer personas. B2B lead generation companies like DAT-A-CCURATE offers custom solutions to help businesses create buyer personas.

At DAT-A-CCURATE, our Data Enrichment solution includes creating buyer personas for our clients. We have a qualified team of specialists who have extensive experience in customer profiling and creating personas. We leverage different tactics, right from conducting surveys to taking personal interviews, to collect the most reliable data about your target customers.  Since inception, we have worked with many B2B brands from across different industries. If you’re looking to create effective and accurate buyer personas that position your lead generation and conversion strategies strongly, get in touch with us today, and let’s talk.

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