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  • Feb, 24 2022

Yes, the B2B lead generation strategy you have in place is good. But what if you can improve it to achieve better outcomes? What if you can growth hack the process to capture more leads?

While there are no magical tactics that can change things around overnight, there sure are a few hacks that B2B brands can leverage to generate more leads in 2022.

Here are three growth hacks for B2B brands to scale their lead generation efforts for increased ROI:

1. Add Social Proof to Build Brand Credibility

Social proof is a powerful tool for building brand credibility. When you can show that others trust in your business, it becomes easier for new prospects to feel confident about your brand.

The more ways you can display your social proof, the more likely you are to build the trust you need to attract more customers and grow your business.

Social proof makes your brand feel more credible and trustworthy, boosting the number of leads you’re capturing in the process.

2. Have Multiple Opt-In Forms 

If you are looking to increase your lead generation efforts, one of the most powerful things you can do is have more opt-in forms on your website.

But don’t just put them all over the place, that can be a big turn-off for many people. Instead, strategically place them on your site, so they are in high-traffic areas and generally out of the way for your readers.

I recommend putting at least one form above the fold on every page of your website. This should be something that allows people to subscribe to receive a freebie, get added to your email list, or download an e-book or other content that you give away in exchange for signing up.

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You should also consider having a hello bar pop up at some point as well. This allows you to capture even more leads by adding another form at the top of your site as soon as someone comes there. You can add it right away and before they’ve had a chance to really explore the rest of your content.

If you have longer blog posts or articles, include a signup form at the bottom as well. Most people will simply scroll down and read all the way through it anyway so this gives them a chance to sign up for updates at the same time.

3. Offer Different Lead Magnets on Different Landing Pages

One of the easiest ways to grow your email list is by offering multiple lead magnets on different landing pages.

When you have more than one lead magnet, you can offer a different one on each landing page. This will allow you to capture leads from a variety of audience segments.

For example, if you’re a real estate agent, you could create a lead magnet for first-time homebuyers and another for people who are selling their homes.

There are many ways to use lead magnets in your marketing strategy. It is important to know your audience and the challenges they face. This will help you determine which lead magnet is right for them and the best way to present it.

Here are some types of lead magnets you can create: ebooks, cheat sheets and checklists, resource lists, templates and worksheets, and case studies.

Final words

These are three of the many growth hacks for B2B brands to capture more leads in 2022.

If you want to accelerate the returns, it’s a good idea to seek help from experts at a good lead generation company.

Top lead generation companies can assist you in creating better strategies, deploy practical hacks, and scale the results.

So, hand-in-hand with a reputed lead generation services provider, accelerate your business growth.

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