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  • Jan, 12 2022

Nurturing a lead is impossible if you continually make lazy mistakes. The problem is that many of these mistakes come from something called email writing habits — the kind of things we do without thinking about it.

We usually figure that the “worst-case scenario” isn’t so bad. We assume our emails are harmless and don’t notice how much they could be hurting our attempts to nurture leads into customers.

Here are 3 common email writing mistakes B2B brands make that destroy their lead nurturing and kill their sales:

Poor Quality Subject Line

The subject line is the first thing that potential customers see in your email. If it’s not interesting and compelling, you will lose all your leads right at the beginning.

Telling people what’s in the email is only part of the equation. You have to make them want to read it, even if it’s just a quick skim.

The key thing to keep in mind when crafting an effective subject line is that you need to tell people exactly why they should open the email.

Of course, the size of the subject line matter as well. You should ideally write small subject lines, which get more clicks.

Related Topic: 4 Email Drip Campaign Mistakes B2B Brands Must Avoid

Long Emails

When you send an email to your leads, it should be short. You have a very small window of opportunity to catch someone’s attention. They open the email, read the subject line and preview text, and decide whether they want to read the rest or not.

There are hundreds of marketing emails sent every day, so getting new leads’ attention is already hard enough without sending them long emails. If your email is too long, people will lose interest and leave.

You should do A/B testing to find an ideal length of email for your newly-generated leads.

No Hint Of Personalization

When you’re using email as a lead nurturing tool, it’s easy to fall into the trap of sending out one-size-fits-all messages to people who are in different stages of the buying cycle.

Treating all of your prospects the same is a mistake that can kill leads in their tracks.

Prospects are different, in terms of what they want, how they want it, and when they want it. One person might be looking for something now, while others aren’t ready to buy until next year or the year after that.

Don’t treat them all the same; personalize your emails based on their needs and preferences.

Final Words

These are three common (and critical) email writing mistakes many B2B brands make during the lead nurturing process.

If you’re making the same mistakes, fix them ASAP. These mistakes might be killing your conversion.

If you need help with lead generation and nurturing, consult experts.

You can connect with any of the B2B lead generation companies and seek their support to scale your campaigns and drive better results.

DAT-A-CCURATE® is one of the top lead generation companies in USA, catering to B2B brands. We have an in-house team of specialists who has extensive experience in lead generation and nurturing through different tactics, including drip campaigns. Connect with us today and let’s talk.


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