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  • Feb, 10 2022

Demand generation is the first step in driving meaningful results in your marketing efforts. Unless there’s “demand”, how will you generate leads and drive sales?!

So, it’s the most fundamental aspect of a winning digital marketing strategy. Unfortunately, it also has a large room to commit mistakes – and many B2B brands do indeed make those err, ending with poor ROI.

Here are three common demand generation mistakes B2B brands make that you should avoid:

1. Not Building A Content Asset

The best way to begin your demand generation process is to build your content asset first. You can later build a strategy around it by planning how you want to deliver it through different channels for attracting potential customers.

Once you have established this, then invest in technology and data as needed to automate the processes involved in delivering the content to your customers at scale.

Unfortunately, many B2B brands work backward; they don’t prioritize content, which inevitably hurts their demand generation efforts.

Related Topics: A Beginner’s Guide for B2B Demand Generation Marketing

2. Using Any and Every Social Media 

Your business may be on all social media platforms. But does your brand know which platforms to prioritize?

In many demand generation campaigns, B2B brands make the mistake of being on every social media platform. They believe that this is the best way to go about it and spread the word about their business.

But what they fail to understand is that the return on investment across all these platforms may not be consistent. This can slow down the impact of their demand generation efforts.

The ideal situation is to be on those social platforms that bring the most value to your business; you want to prioritize those platforms that have the highest demand for your products or services.

3. Not Thinking Out-of-The-Box

There are many unique and better ways to generate demand than to run ads and follow the conventional marketing paths.

Topical marketing, influencer marketing, community building, brand collaboration – these are all highly effective ways to build demand for your product if you know how to.

Sadly, many B2B brands don’t think innovatively. Most of them simply stick to regular campaigns, which limits their possibility of higher growth. And it’s a big mistake.

Instead of playing by the old rules of the old game, move forward to innovate and adapt to the new set of consumer behavior trends. Identify newer opportunities. Think out of the box.

Final Words

The bottom line: a lot of your marketing efforts will fall flat if you don’t first nail down demand generation. It’s vitally important for aligning your various channels together into a cohesive strategy and effective inbound marketing stack. Sure, mistakes can be made, but as long as you are avoiding them (as we outlined above), your demand generation should be robust and successful.

If you still need help with demand generation, feel free to get in touch with us. DAT-A-CCURATE® is a leading B2B demand generation agency. Get in touch with our experts today and let’s work together to take your brand to newer heights.

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