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  • Jan, 6 2022

What if you could use the content that already exists on your website to generate quality leads for your B2B business? Won’t that be amazing? Well, that’s what content syndication is all about. It’s perhaps one of the best and most affordable ways for B2B businesses to generate quality leads.

Want to know how? Read along.

This blog talks about everything you need to know about B2B content syndication, from what it is, the benefits it offers, different ways of content syndication, and how you can get started with it.

What is Content Syndication?

Content syndication is the process that involves the distribution of content using different methods to reach a wider targeted audience. Common methods are co-marketing, PPC advertisement, cold emailing, telemarketing, and more (more on this later).

Why Syndicate Content?

Content syndication is an effective way of not only increasing leads but, also increase your brand awareness, reach your target audience, increase website traffic and generate qualified leads. While improving lead generation is the goal of content syndication, usually, it’s also helpful in engaging with existing leads and offering them real value, which further helps improve conversions.

How Does Content Syndication Work?

Typically, B2B marketers hire content syndication platforms or vendors that deploy their content across relevant channels. The vendors usually have links with a network of companies or websites where the content is published. And when someone interacts with the content, they’re vetted as qualified leads and are sent back to the B2B marketing team.

Another way content syndication works is when you nurture the existing leads. For instance, you can either send out emails or do telemarketing and offer your leads or even customers content that they might find valuable. This will help you improve conversions, upsell and strengthen customer relations.

What are Some Popular Methods of Content Syndication?

Inbound Content Syndication

1. Co-Marketing

Co-marketing is a popular content syndication tactic wherein two companies operating in a similar domain collaborate for mutual benefit.

Let’s say you’re selling an accounting software relevant to audience A, and some company C is selling a Business Intelligence tool to the same audience (A) you’re targeting. Now, company C can be your co-marketing partner.

Some common ways of co-marketing:

– Co-hosting a webinar that addresses the pain points of your target audience.

– Co-authoring a whitepaper that both companies can share with their audience.

– Co-hosting events that the target audience may want to attend.

Pro Tip: Always remember that co-marketing is not about working with your competitor. It’s about working with a business that targets your audience. So, look for a company that’s not your direct competitor. One great way to do this is ensuring that the other company isn’t competing for the same keywords as you for SEO.

2. Social Media

Social media is probably one of the best channels for content syndication. After all, there were around 4.26 billion users on social media in 2021, according to Statista. Even 84% of VP and C-level buyers are influenced by social media when it comes to purchasing.

Therefore, you must share blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and eBooks on social media. Not only will it help you improve brand awareness, but it will also help generate leads.

Pro Tip: LinkedIn is probably the best place where you can start your social media content syndication. Facebook and Twitter offer decent results for B2B organizations, though.

3. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging simply means publishing (republishing in this case) your content on a 3rd party website. You can find websites your target audience regularly visits and republish your blogs or articles there. You can then backlink the blog to the original source or another page on your website, which is good for SEO.

4. PPC Advertising

PPC is yet another popular way of content syndication. You can choose platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn and run paid PPC campaigns for your target audience. This method helps you determine if the content you share resonates with the audience.

Outbound Content Syndication

1. Telemarketing

Telemarketing is an effective outbound content syndication method. In this case, you need to call each of your target customers and offer your content pieces.

Telemarketing is also an amazing way of qualifying your lead. For instance, if they end up accepting your content piece, you can send more marketing material their way.

While telemarketing is an effective way of syndicating content, it’s equally complex. You need to have the most updated information about your target customer. Plus, your team must not sound salesy and needs to act confident while engaging with the target customer.

If the above seems like much of a chore, you can reach out to DAT-A-CCURATE. DAT-A-CCURATE can contact your ideal customers on your behalf and offer your content. Our experts do all the research about your ideal customer from their revenue, clients, and technology they use which helps them talk with confidence.

2. Cold Emailing

In case you want to display your content to already existing leads, you can use cold email. You can create personalized emails and attach the content you want to share in the email. If the lead interacts with your content piece, it becomes a marketing-qualified lead, ready for your other marketing efforts.

What if you don’t have the leads yet? Well, in that case, you can first collect targeted emails and then proceed further. Or, you can connect with a lead generation company such as DAT-A-CCURATE. Experts at DAT-A-CCURATE can help you generate quality leads using tested methods and then convert them into marketing-qualified leads via cold emails.

Pro Tip: Try combining buyer intent with cold emailing. With buyer intent, you can determine which prospects are researching the content that’s relevant to your company. This way, you can prioritize your marketing efforts toward prospects with higher likelihood to convert.

Benefits of Content Syndication for B2B Businesses

Here are different tangible benefits of content syndication, such as:

1. Increase Brand Awareness

Content syndication can truly up your brand awareness game.

For instance, if your content piece is published on a reputed or authoritative website, you’ll reach new audiences. And this will portray your business as a thought leader in the industry.

Even if the audiences don’t end up buying from you immediately, they’ll know that you exist. So, later, you can send valuable content that resonates with them and slowly nurture them to convert them into paying customers.

2. Effectively Reach your Target Audience

With regular marketing tactics, marketers hope that the right audience will look at their content at the right time. However, content syndication pushes this guesswork out of the picture.

Using intent data, you can identify warm leads looking for your solution. You can reach out to them via email or call, offer them content and ask the relevant qualifying questions. This will help you determine the lead quality and plan your further steps.

3. Improve SEO

When you republish content using the right keywords on different websites, your content starts to rank on top. And this way, more people searching for those keywords will learn about your website.

Furthermore, most guest post sites allow you to link the syndicated content (original source) from the guest post. This will help create backlinks, which helps improve SEO ranking and brings more traffic.

4. Helps with Prospect Qualification

Content syndication helps with prospect qualification. Using telemarketing and cold emailing, you can ask the right questions and determine if the prospect is genuinely interested. With whatever response you get, you can hand them to the sales team (if they’re sales qualified) and marketing team (if they’re marketing qualified.)

5. Affordable Lead Generation Method

While this may sound a little obvious, it’s worth a mention.

Getting content written from scratch is costly. However, content syndication has your back. As you’re repurposing the existing content without having to write anything from scratch, you can save a lot of money.

And when you publish the repurposed content across different channels, your brand awareness, exposure, and reach improves. This eventually helps generate more leads for your business without spending much.

Getting Started with Content Syndication

Talking generally, here’s what you need to do to get started with content syndication:

1. Set measurable goals.
2. Find your target audience.
3. Choose the content that performs the best on your website.
4. Distribute that content on different websites, reach out to your target audience via e-mail and share the content that they may like. You can even call the prospects and offer them some valuable content.
5. You can then measure & analyze the results and improve.

While getting started with content syndication may sound easy, it’s not. Without expertise, you might ignore content syndication best practices and end up making mistakes such as:

– Repurposing poor-quality content; which might stain your brand reputation.

– Publishing content without adding a “rel=canonical tag” to the URL helps the search engine understand its syndicated content. Without a “rel=canonical tag,” the search engine might show the republished content as original, which is devastating.

– Targeting a really wide audience. Doing this might prevent your marketing teams from connecting with all the valuable leads.

– Using a single channel for syndication. This leads to limited exposure and subpar results.

– Ignoring outbound syndication methods such as telemarketing or cold emailing. These are some of the most effective methods. Ignoring them will significantly reduce the effectiveness of syndication.

– Emailing or calling prospects with incomplete information. This may portray your business as a rookie.

– Choosing poor domain authority sites to display syndicated content. This again tarnishes your reputation.

And the list goes on. So, what should you do?

Well, you can connect with a reliable content syndication company that could help you frame a personalized content syndication strategy. This way, you can reduce the likelihood of making terrible mistakes to negligible.

Wrapping Up

Content syndication can help you not only generate leads but also improve SEO, qualify prospects, target your audience, and improve brand awareness. However, to experience these benefits, you need a professional B2B content syndication expert at your side.

So, put in decent research, look for an established B2B content syndication expert, and leverage content syndication to the fullest.

FAQs on Content Syndication

What is syndicated content?

The content that’s distributed on different channels using different methods such as guest blogging, co-marketing, telemarketing, cold calling, etc. is known as syndicated content.

What is content syndication definition?

Content syndication’s meaning is pretty simple. It’s an effective method of reaching your target audience using telemarketing, cold emailing, co-marketing, republishing existing content on different websites, etc.

How to choose the best syndication services company?

To choose the best content syndication company, always consider the below factors:

– Make sure they have good customer reviews.

– Check if they have an experienced team.

– Make sure that they support important syndication methods (cold emailing and telemarketing)

– Check if the pricing is affordable.

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