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  • Aug, 13 2021

Email Drip Campaign has made the life of marketers so much easier. 

Imagine creating a system wherein you’re automatically capturing and nurturing leads, and thereon closing deals. All automated with very little manual work on your end.

Sounds interesting?

That’s what an email drip campaign is all about.

You set up a system using a few tools that run on auto-pilot, generates leads, and convert big.

Building an Email List

Building an email list is a separate (and exhaustive) conversation on its own.

There are many ways you can build and grow an email list. 

You can add opt-in forms on your website. You can have separate squeeze pages to collect people’s email addresses. Your content can end with CTA to sign up for your emails. You can use sliders, pop-ups, overlays, and hello bars to capture more emails.

Social media platforms can also be effective in helping you build an email list. You can leverage YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other channels, organically or paid, to get the email addresses of your target audience.

Setting Up a Campaign

Your email list needs a home, that is, an email marketing solution provider. There are many great names out there, right from Mailchimp and Aweber to ConvertKit and Constant Contact.

All these names offer an email automation feature wherein you can set a series of emails to be sent to the email list at a defined period. Furthermore, as more people get added to this list, they get the emails in proper order simultaneously. 

In a way, your email “drips” away per defined parameters to your subscribers. The campaign is run on complete automation. 

Further, you can create multiple email lists to run multiple drip campaigns in parallel. For instance, for leads captured on Facebook, there could be a separate email list and drip campaign (with different emails) vs. leads captured through the website that will have its own campaign.

A higher level of personalization in your campaign based on personas of captured leads will ensure better nurturing and faster sales conversion. 

Sounds Complicated?

Admittedly, creating and running a successful drip campaign can be a challenge.

Many B2B brands struggle with lead capturing in the first place. Further, with ineffective email copies and poor automation sequence, they end up wasting a lot of their time, money, and other resources in the process without seeing tangible returns. Converting MQL to SQL is a big pain point for many marketers. 

So, if this all sounds too complicated or you would rather focus on your business operation than email marketing, you should consider hiring experts

You can outsource lead generation to an agency that can help you capture B2B sales leads, build an email list, and run a successful drip campaign. 

Top B2B lead generation companies like DAT-A-CCURATE specialize in running email drip campaigns and helping clients sell more. We have a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals who can assist you end-to-end with email list building and conversion. Get in touch with us today and team up with one of the most trusted names that assure you of superior quality B2B lead generation services.

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