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  • Dec, 2 2021

Lead segmentation is one of the key parts of effective lead nurturing and sales. It provides you the opportunity to personalize your communication, achieving optimum ROI and the desired growth.

But, of course, there’s much more to lead segmentation than just diving the leads into different categories. It requires a strategic approach, which can be a challenge if you don’t have extensive experience in this field. This is one of the reasons why the top B2B brands rely on lead generation agencies for segmentation and nurturing.


What is Lead Segmentation?

Segmentation of leads is nothing but dividing the ranks of the customers into different groups. This ensures that people in each group get similar things that are tailored specifically for them. This grouping can happen based on various factors, including demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavior.

A lead segmentation helps you prioritize marketing contacts and spending on customers with the highest probability of conversion. In short, you will end up spending less time and money trying to market to those that aren’t going to buy from you.


Importance of Lead Segmentation

Lead segmentation is a vital aspect of any email marketing campaign. All those different original segments you have been creating from various lead generation forms can benefit from highly focused content. If you have been sending the same message to each and every segment, you are losing out on an easy way to close more deals. The simple fact is, your leads want to know they are getting more personal service. By tailoring your campaigns specifically to each target segment (by incorporating more of what you know about that group), your open rates will improve, as will your click-through rate.

Segmentation empowers you to deliver better email campaigns by segregating your list according to your prospects’ interests. You can use personal data, campaign results, behavioral data, segmenting lists by industry, job title, or seniority… the list goes on. Segmentation helps you personalize each email to reflect different segments individually.


Types of Lead Segmentation

There are many different types of lead segmentation.

Demographic segmentation is the most traditional form of lead segmentation. It looks at characteristics like gender, age, income, family size, and marital status to determine the likelihood of someone converting.

For example, you might want to target married people in your sales funnel. Why? Because they are more likely to buy something that their family will use (like groceries or home goods).

Geographic segmentation is when you break leads down by their location. This type of segmentation is dependent on your business model. For example, home improvement stores might want to target leads in specific geographic areas with high populations of new homeowners.

Behavioral segmentation looks at how people consume information. Do they prefer short articles or long videos? Do they read blogs or watch YouTube videos? Behavioral segmentation is very important for content marketers looking to optimize their audience’s experience.

Psychographic segmentation breaks down leads based on values and beliefs. It’s usually used in B2C contexts, but it can also be helpful for B2B companies trying to get the word out about a new product or service.

Firmographic segmentation focuses on the company that a lead belongs to. Examples of firmographic segments include SIC code, number of employees, industry verticals, and more.

There is also transactional and needs-based segmentation.


Need Help?

What are the factors should you consider when segmenting leads? How to conduct A/B testing between different segments? How to optimize the lead nurturing based on segmentation?

These are some of the key questions that could be challenging for many to address.

So, if you need help, DAT-A-CCURATE® is a name you can trust. From lead generation to segmentation and nurturing, we’re here to help you end-to-end, ensuring you not just capture high-qualified, sales-ready leads but also close more deals. DAT-A-CCURATE® has helped some of the leading B2B brands, delivering them the best ROI. And we assure you of the results. Get in touch with us today and let’s talk.

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