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  • Oct, 5 2021

Lead generation is just the first part of the process. If you don’t effectively nurture the captured leads, all your spent resources go to waste, hurting your revenue and business growth. This is why it’s essential to take time in devising a robust lead nurturing strategy that’s devoid of every common gap. In that, here are four common email drip campaign mistakes many B2B brands make but you should avoid:

Sending The Same Generic Email to Everyone

This is a big mistake that can keep your conversion rate very low.

Understand that the leads you captured, even if they want the same product or solution, they still have distinct needs, requirements, pain points, budget, and preferences. So, sending them all a generic email is a bad idea.

Your emails should be tailored to address the lead individually; the emails should be personalized.

The first step here is sorting or organizing your leads into different categories. And then send unique emails to each of these categories.

A higher level of personalization in what you’re saying to the leads will increase your conversion rate.

Being Infrequent And Inconsistent

This is a common mistake many B2B (and even B2C) brands make.

When someone gives you their contact information, they expect an ongoing engagement with that brand and high value in return.

If the emails you send to your leads are infrequent and there’s inconsistency in your messaging, your campaign will fail to drive the desired results.

The top lead generation service providers ensure their email drip campaigns with more and frequent touchpoints that enable higher engagement with the leads.

Trying to sell your products

Being a salesperson in your emails is an old practice that works no more.

Yes, the end goal is sales. But this doesn’t require you to be a salesperson in your drip emails. Instead, the focus should be on driving engagement and delivering free value.

Prompting to buy your products in every other email will only put off many people, resulting in them either unsubscribing or never engaging with your emails.

So, shift the focus of your email drip campaign from selling to helping. This, in the long run, if you have truly helped the leads with their pain points, can unlock you great conversion.

Poor quality email copy

This is the most obvious reason. If your email copy isn’t sufficient in quality, your email drip campaign will very certainly fail.

In general, the email should be short in length. It should be formatted properly that incorporates enough whitespace.  The copy should be very clear in what it is saying and what it intends to achieve. Further, it should end with a CTA or at least having readers feel that they have achieved something from reading the email.

So, audit the quality of your email copies very intensively. Have multiple quality control checks in place that ensure the final email copy is exceptional and engaging.

Final Words

These are four common email drip campaign mistakes that many B2B brands make. Don’t be one of them!

Fix the said gaps, improve your lead nurturing strategy and drive higher conversion. For help to convert B2B sales leads, get in touch with experts at DAT-A-CCURATE®. We can help your B2B brands accelerate conversion and revenue.

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