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  • Nov, 25 2021

Your demand generation strategy worked. You had many visitors on your website. Congratulations. But are you capturing enough leads?

This is a big challenge for many B2B brands, for which they eventually end up hiring lead generation companies. While they are getting the website traffic, they fail to turn those visitors into leads.

Are you struggling with the same challenge?

While as frustratingly disappointing and expensive as this low visitor-to-lead conversion rate could be, fortunately, the solutions are straightforward.

Follow these five tips:


Attract The Right Traffic

You will struggle to capture leads if you’re attracting the wrong visitors who are less likely to convert.

So, as a first step, realign your demand generation strategy to attract a targeted audience that is relevant to your business and value proposition.


Have Multiple Opt-In Options

You must offer options to the visitors throughout the page to convert.

From hello bar to embedded opt-in form to sliders as one reaches the end of the page, play around with more than one opt-in option.

Use different copies to push each of these options. Make it very clear to the visitors that you want their contact details; remind them of this throughout the page.


Offer Something Valuable

You need an outstanding lead magnet. And if you want to increase the chances of visitor-to-lead conversion, you should ideally have more than one lead magnet.

Offer something valuable in return for people’s email addresses; an ebook, discount, report, cheatsheet, free consultation, and more – there are many options.

Recommended Read: A (Quick) Guide to Create Lead Magnets That Convert Big


Deliver Value and Then Ask

Unless you have a strong brand identity, people won’t give you their email addresses just because you’re asking them for it.

You need to provide them with free value upfront, which wins their confidence and trust.

So, pack your landing pages or squeeze pages with high value that win the visitors over.


Put Your Brand Ahead

Here’s a thing: The majority of the visitors won’t convert into leads. But this doesn’t mean those people will never convert. Maybe the next time they visit your website, they will give you their email addresses.

So, a big task here is to get those people back to your website again. A simple way to make this happen is to get them to remember your brand name and have a good brand experience.

This means, in your content, put your brand name ahead. So that the first time people visit your website, they see your brand name and remember it. The high brand recall will ensure good conversion in the long run.


Final Words

These are five tips to boost your visitor-to-lead conversion.

Admittedly, while the tips are straightforward, they are far from easy to implement. If you need help, consider getting help from any of the top B2B lead generation companies.

DAT-A-CCURATE™ is one of the foremost B2B lead generation services providers. We have worked with hundreds of brands to date, delivering them unmatched ROI. Connect with our lead generation specialists today and accelerate your business growth to newer heights.

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